Hobart City Hall, 30th April to 3rd May 2026

Celebrating 50 Years of National Square Dance Conventions in Tasmania, Australia

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Convention Information

 Our team extends a warm welcome to you, on behalf of all square and Round Dancers, to attend the 66th Australian National Square Dance Convention to be held from Thursday the 30th of April to Sunday the 3rd of May 2026. We have planned four fun filled days of dancing and friendship, with the usual meetings thrown in.

VENUE: The Hobart City Hall

PHOTOGRAPHY: Please be advised that Photography and Filming will be taking place at this event. This is for social media, Television, Promotion and Historical Records, Including Web Sites etc. We trust that you Enjoy, Understand and Respect this. Permission to be filmed and or photographed is a condition of registration for the event.

PARKING: There is ample unrestricted shared parking, which also includes accessible parking bays located at the front of the venue

MEETING SCHEDULE AND DANCE PROGRAMME: Our provisional Programme showing all Dance and Meeting times is available on our website.

Special features include: – Thursday Trail-in: Friday Opening Ceremony & Dressed Sets Parade: Saturday Theme/Dress Up: Sunday Closing Ceremony: Friday Thank you and farewell party.

Please also refer to our website www.2026.ansdc.au for other information regarding the convention. This website will be updated on a regular basis.

DANCER/NON-DANCER REGISTRATION: The Registration Form will be available on a paper form [please print your details clearly] or online. Once a paper form is complete, please post to:- The Registrar, Kaye Chandler, 66th ANSDC, via  post:- 134 Pitcairn Street, MONTROSE, Tasmania, 7010  or scan and email to secretary/registrar@2026.ansdc.au. Non-Dancers must tick the appropriate box on the standard registration form. A receipt for monies paid will be issued.

YOUNGER ATTENDEES’ REGISTRATION: This is an “All in One” Ticket for Creche (up to 12 years), and junior dancing and activities (up to 17 years). This ticket will allow age-appropriate juniors access to:-  i. Creche; ii. Dancing & Activities; iii both the Dance Floor and Creche.

Professionally Supervised Care will be provided for a range of age groups up to and including 12 years, if sufficient registrations are received to make the session viable. There will be an array of age-appropriate activities and a sleep zone available for all Evening Dance Sessions. Close off date for registering for this service will be the 30th November 2025. An additional information form covering The Younger Attendees requirements will be forwarded to parents.

THE YOUNGER SET: This will be a designated area for registered young adults (13 and over) to gather to enjoy each other’s company. This area, situated within the Main Venue will be unsupervised.

CALLER/CUER REGISTRATION: Closing date will be 30/11/2025. Callers/Cuers MUST complete both a Dancer and Caller Registration. Registration does not confirm any entitlement. Please be advised that callers and cuers will be programmed in accordance with ACF and/or ARDA eligibility guidelines.

PRICING: This convention can offer reduced ticket pricing due to the financial support from the National Square Sance Conventions Board who are distributing some funds that have been accumulated from previous National Conventions. This saving has been passed on to attendees by way of reduced ticket pricing.

PAYMENT: We accept payment via all major credit and debit cards as well as by direct bank transfer.
We advise that due to current banking practices, we can no longer accept payment by Cheque or Money Order.

INSURANCE AND SECURITY: It is a requirement that all attendees be registered, including Booth Holders (refer” BOOTHS” below), Non-Dancers and Spectators. Non-Dancers will be issued with a non-Dancer Ribbon, while Spectators must sign in, on each visit, at the Reception Area in each venue where Visitors Passes will be issued.

CONVENTION PACKS: Your complete Convention Pack will be available for collection on Thursday 30th July between the hours of 1.00pm and 3.00pm in foyer of the Hobart City Hall. If unable to collect at that time it will be available from the Convention Committee Office during dance sessions.

LIGHT REFRESHMENTS: A canteen which regularly caters for the Sports Centre is situated in the foyer of the Sports Centre, with hot and cold food available at reasonable cost. Free tea and coffee will be available at the venue but must not be taken on the dance floor

RESTAURANTS: Restaurants and supermarkets are abundant in several locations just minutes from the venue.

ACCOMMODATION: There is a variety of accommodation of all types ranging from caravan parks, motel, and self-catered apartments to five-star luxury. List available on website.  As this is School Holidays, please book your accommodation directly with the establishments as soon as possible.

BOOTHS: Booth space will be provided free of charge with one standard table and two chairs. All personnel (staff) working on the booth must use the standard registration form to register and pay for the standard convention registration and agree to the conditions set out in their invitational letter. Only items deemed appropriate for sale at the Convention and fitting the dance/dress standards for square dancing may be displayed, advertised, or sold. e.g. shoe heels must be greater than 1 inch (25 mm) square. Neither the 65th Convention Committee, nor the Management of the Venues accept any responsibility for any loss of or damage to goods in booths.  Vendor electrical equipment must be tested and tagged prior to entry to the venue.  Closing date for Booth Registration will be 30th November 2025

THEME NIGHT: Wednesday Night is our theme night. As our theme is “The Letter “S””, you are invited to come in square or fancy dress to fit your interpretation of the theme.

DRESSED SET PARADE: We will contact the nominated Club Caller/Cuer to collect Club details in preparation for the Dressed Set Parade to be held on Tuesday night. We require the return of this information by the 30th November 2025 so that appropriate information may be announced to introduce your dressed set onto the floor.

ADVERTISING IN THE PROGRAMME: We welcome advertising in our Programme Booklet. Use the registration form to book and pay for your advertisement. Closing date for inclusion and artwork: 30th November 2025. The cost of a full page A6 advertisement will be $ 75.00. Please submit your artwork via email to secretary/registrar@2026ansdc.au in MS Word, PDF, or JPG formats ready to print on A6 page.  Prepayment required.

VOLUNTEERING: Isn’t it nice to have tea and coffee available in abundance, be given assistance when you are hurt or even have help finding someone to fill your square. We are looking for volunteers for:- setting up the venues, marshalling, first aid, packing and distribution of convention packets or any other tasks you could think would be helpful for the successful running of this convention. If you would like to be a part of our awesome volunteer team please indicate your interest in the required area on the website or on the registration form.

SPECIAL FEATURES:  Open Microphone Session: We hope to programme a short session to cater for any budding “amateur” callers, callers not yet eligible for National Convention programming and in fact anyone who wishes to attend this session and have a call. You may want to bring your own fan club and supporters. You will be able to add your name to a list of those interested at our convention office. If there are more names than time allows, selection will be on a first in basis.

SMOKING: The venues are designated as non-smoking, including the courts, bathrooms, event and spectator spaces. In accordance with the Tasmanian Government policy, smoking is permitted only in the designated outdoor smoking areas. Anyone caught smoking outside of a designated area may be subject to spot fines.

ATTENDEE RESPONSIBILITY:  Convention Ribbons and Passes are your identification and must be worn at all Dance, Meeting and Social Sessions.

FOOTWEAR: Shoes must not mark the dance floors. Shoes with heels less than 25 mm square (1 inch) are not permitted by order of the Venue. Parents and Guardians are responsible for all young attendees in their care at all times.

CAMERAS: No tripods, cameras or other apparatus to be positioned on the stage or dance floor or where it may cause inconvenience.

YOUR PROPERTY: All Items brought to the Convention are the responsibility of their owners. The Committee accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage incurred. Standard of dress and general appearance will, at all times, determine the privilege of dancers to enter and participate in the dance function and shall be consistent with the dignity of the event. It is the Dancer’s responsibility to comply with these regulations for themselves and their fellow dancers.

DRESS CODE: Full Square Dance Attire should be worn at all Evening Dance Sessions with the only exception being Special Programmed Dance Sessions or environmental conditions. Relaxed square dance attire, as per the National Convention Dress Code, is acceptable for Morning and Afternoon Sessions. Shoes with heels less than 25 mm square (1 inch) are not permitted by order of the Venue.  The National Convention Dress Code can be viewed on our website.

If a person’s dress is considered inappropriate, the committee may discuss this with the person concerned.

SEATING: Seats shall not be reserved in the dance halls at a National Square Dance Convention

CURRENCY: All currency figures are in Australian dollars (AUD)

CANCELATIONS  A Cancellation Fee of $15.00 AUD per delegate will be charged.
 Any requests for refunds must be in writing and are subject to the discretion of the Convention Committee.
Other than in exceptional circumstances, NO REFUNDS will be available for cancellations received after the function commences.

For more information please refer to our website www.2026.ansdc.au Please email enquiries to secretary/registrar@2026.ansdc.au or via mail to our Secretary, Kaye Chandler, 66th ANSDC, via post:- 134 Pitcairn Street, MONTROSE, Tasmania, 7010


1.       Click Anywhere on the Form to Start – For Security, this will download to your own device.
2.       Save this form on your own device.
3.       Complete both pages of the Registration Form.
4.       Take note of the “TOTAL PAYMENT”.

5.       For Card payment – Click the Go To “Square Payments” button.

6.       Complete the payment information (you will receive a receipt.)
7.       Attach your Registration Form (Both Pages) and the Square Receipt 
           or Bank Deposit details to the form below
Go to “COMPLETE YOUR REGISTRATION HERE and attach the required files.

If you would like to have blank copies of this form for Family and Friends than just push the DOWNLOAD THE PAPER FORM Button and print off as many as you require.

Please Read the “Conditions of Entry” before registering.

Click Anywhere on the Form To Start For Security, this will automatically download to your own device

This form is to be filled out and saved on your own device so all your information will remain secure.
 This form requires Adobe Acrobat or Acrobat Reader/Acrobat DC to fill out. 
If you can not fill it out online, just download it and fill it out manually

For Credit or Debit Card Payments, Click the secure, “Square Payments” Button Below

For Bank Transfer or postal registration, Click the Download Paper Form Button Below

Please Make Sure You Attach and Send Your

'Completed Two Page Registration Form'
and your
'Receipt from Square' or 'Bank Deposit Details'

Please use the form below to send both your completed registration form as well as your receipt from Square.